
Tweety Sounds

 Here are some of my favorite sounds.
Thomas Jefferson. He's not pwesident anymore - he's dead
What do you know, a piece of spaghetti with eyes...
Jingle Bells
I may be wrong, I just don't trust that puddy tat's honor
I got a peculiar feeling that puddy tat is up to something
I will have to flee for my wittle life
Old romances
Now how do you suppose I got my wittle self ...
Oh goody, goody
Oh oh, here comes that puddy tat again
Oh, puddy tat is so cute when he his scared stiff
Aww, the poor puddy tat fall down
Ohhhh, I hate gravity
Oh puddy tat going to be sore when he wake up
Say, is that cat as stupid as he looks
Weeee, I bet were going 90 miles an hour
Well hello puddy tat. What are you doing up there?
What's the matter something goin' on behind my back?
You bad ol' peeping tom cat
You know, I lose more puddy tats that way
You see he's a real nice puddy tat
Tweety describes Sylvester
Tweety sings a different version of "Kiss My Cares Away"
You're not s-s-scared of them...are ya Michael
This is the city, 3 mil people, 3 hundred...
Poor puddy tat
Mad at me
Hit in the head
Tweety sings "I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover"
How many times
I been sick
Baby it's cold outside
You so clever
Find me
A canary's work is never done
Don't I know you from thomewhere
Don't you like me anymore
He got away
I say that was a biiig yes
I tawt I taw a ...
I wonder what that puddy tat is up to now
Kiss the little birdie
Mud is the greatest ever
OH OH, rats that puddy tat
oh oh, wacked that puddy tat
oh, she's hot
What's this, a letter for me
Looney tunes theme
Help help!
My poor little cranium
Goody goody for me
Hello moo moo cow
I'm getting nowhere fast
Gimmie a P, gimme a U, gimme a D-D-Y
Don't worry little chickadee, i'll save you
Brr... oh! Hey kid tell your mommy to sit down again...
Ohh! an admirer
Bad puddy tat
Tweety sings in the bath
Tweety sings "Kiss My Cares Away"
Ohh! you crushed my little head!
Aww what a hipotwit!
Tweety sings Jingle Bells
I tawt I taw a puddy tat
A different version of I tawt I taw a puddy tat
I did I did see a puddy tat!
I tawt I taw a puddy tat, I did I did see a puddy tat!
Bombs away!
Tweety sings "I'm a Tweet Little Birdie"
 Bad old puddytat! 21kb
 Bombs Away 33kb
 Brrrr. Baby it's cold outside 53kb
 Don't I know you from thomewhere 20kb
 Don't worry little chickadee. I'll save you 30kb
 Don't worry little puddytat. I'll save you 227kb
 Don't you like me any more? 27kb
Sounds-Galerie 2
 Outro tweety-cartoon - Thats all folks mit Stimme


 Outro tweety-cartoon - Thats all folks  71kb
 Gimme a P, gimme a U, gimme a D, D, Y 30kb
 Give him an hit on the head, and another 366kb
 Goody, good for me. I am running a choo choo twain 497kb
 Gotta do more scratching OK, I'll scratch 145kb
 Haha, now that puddytat thinks he is buck rogers 156kb
 He got away 16kb
 Hello Pet Shop. Have you got any more puddy tats... 288kb
 Hello puddy tat! 62kb
this website was created by sandra palmer
contact me at